Just a clarification, since I've been referenced.
I confirm I've not muted or banned anyone, on this occasion. I gave a boot on a name that I considered being against the rules (I just reported it).
I privately (not in lobby) said that I didn't see anything to give a mute, right when he (privately) asked me why I muted him (which I didn't).
But, now, rereading the log, I see that there has been a name calling ("dim witted"); so, I'm guessing that was the reason. I'm not seeing any warning given. To give some context, there was a whole bunch of flame going on, with him being called a liar and accused to say "bullshit", and a game ending in a not very sporty way.
Just for clarification, regarding this complaint, it is not up to me or any other normal mods to decide anything, but to the leaders only (since no Council anymore); so, this is all from me, as I'm not actually involved, as a mod, with the muting or banning or even warning, nor my opinion on it has any relevance (I'll follow whatever the leaders decide, if anything).
I didn't give any public (lobby/forum) consideration on what other mods did, nor I intend to.