Random number of units placed randomly at random turns?
You can do something like create a 50% chance for a unit to appear based on a condition. This could work for weather too but it takes a lot of triggers. If you had 3 possible weather effects occuring in every territory, you need 2 conditions and 3 triggers per territory.
You can create a 50% chance for a brigand to appear in a territory. What you currently cannot do is have exactly 3 brigands total appear, and those three go to totally random territories. (at least not for a decent sized map, too many conditions to check)
You can jerry-rig a bit of randomness with triggers, but it becomes really hard to do on a large scale due to complexity.
@prastle said in Random number of units placed randomly at random turns?:
Also if someone still has a copy of Global Conquest? (I think it was called.) It had random placement setup in a Risk style. @Cernel will recall and possibly still has a copy.
This only works at the start of the game, its difficult to repeat it.
@crazyg kk was just recalling. Do you still have a copy?
I had it at one point. Is it missing?
@crazyg I don't see it in the repo anymore oh well.
@prastle said in Random number of units placed randomly at random turns?:
@redrum gigglez Let's not bring up the past
Still causes shudders in old lobby players
@prastle I have copied this statement to 3 external hard drives... in the event I need to bring it out as proof to stop a scotch fueled rant.
@hepps Ah I was reffering to the 2016 crash
@prastle Yes I know... I am keeping this quote as proof that you once said lets not bring up the past. :face_savouring_delicious_food:
@hepps did you copy all old maps since mine ext died?
@prastle Not sure what I have... I still have all the engine versions going back to
@hepps engine versions don't matter its what maps did you save?
@prastle said in Random number of units placed randomly at random turns?:
@crazyg I don't see it in the repo anymore oh well.
maybe Roger has it ?
@beelee nope just checked
I guess we hope @LaFayette ( who made original) or @Cernel who did some work on it has a copy -
@crazyg said in Random number of units placed randomly at random turns?:
What you currently cannot do is have exactly 3 brigands total appear, and those three go to totally random territories.
You can. You place units with 50% chance on a fake territory, named x_1, x_2, ... etc. Interpreting this as a binary number, now you have a totally random number between 0 and 2^n - 1. Then each territory gets a number, and a condition checks if this number is equal to our random number, and if so, places a brigand. Repeat 3x. Number of triggers required is O(Territory * Number of units to spawn).
this made me laugh it was so creative. Brilliant solution, it also points out that it would probably be very easy to just create a function that selects a random territory in the engine than an XML calls -
@crazyg The inspiration came from the random events system of Greyhawk Wars. Panguitch used a similar binary system.
@CrazyG you can give this branch a try, YMMV: https://github.com/DanVanAtta/triplea/tree/conquest
I don't see the actual map added there, just additional code to help support. IF you can get ahold the old map xml it should work with the engine run at that version.
@redrum said in Random number of units placed randomly at random turns?:
@hepps Yeah or use @RogerCooper's conversion thread. Just not sure anyone would volunteer to update them but if they would or at least consider it then it could be helpful.
I converted everything I could get a hold of. If anyone has a mod not on my Scenario List send it to me and I will add it,
I don't have Global Conquest and I don't remember anything like it.
Random though about this. Currently you can make a trigger fire another trigger.
<option name="activateTrigger" value="triggerAttachmentRussians5_FarEastReserves:1:false:false:false:false"/>
(Format: "triggerName:numberOfTimes:useUses:testUses:testConditions:testChance")
How doable would the following be?
<option name="activateRandomTrigger" value="triggerAttachment1:triggerAttachment2:triggerAttachment3" count="2"/>
The above would fire exactly 2 of those 3 triggers at random. IDK how important the additional options are for activateTrigger (I don't understand what the test things do, and if I wanted to fire the trigger more than once I would just put more lines)
Also I investigated and I do not have the global conquest map on this computer. Sorry