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    zlefin has joined
    zlefin: any of my saves available?
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    Maverick: I am looking for Uboat123 or CheffvomKasper to continue our saved game
    Domakinds has joined
    Domakinds: Mods, some how my account got wiped
    Domakinds: Says my old user name Domakind with it's regeisted email isn't there?
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    zlefin: i'll see what I can find about that Doma, though the issue may have to be sent to the forum to deal with
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    Domakinds has left

    I don't have the tools to investigate further, need an admin probably; the toolbox shows that Domakind had logged in yesterday, and plenty of times before that. I don't have a way to verify that the account record somehow got deleted. The lobby tools, or atleast the ones I can access, simply don't have such detais.

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  • B


    Hi adam

    Also, for future reference, you can DL maps manually as well.

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  • @adam-ellsworth
    Welcome to the forums, this should be fixed now in 2.5 and 2.7

    For 2.7 go here (Its faster than 2.5)

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  • B


    I'm trying to revert it now. Hopefully it doesn't cause more problems.

    This is the second time a yaml error screwed everything up.

    I won't merge anything from now on unless it is from an existing map and the only change is the version number.

    There should be safeguards so this can't happen.

    Ok it's fixed or at least I can DL maps again

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