After intensively thinking I decided to make world map because it will be already possible to turn it into European map if somebody intend.
Project - Kopya.png
Different aspects which will separated it from most other WWII maps but mostly it will be with v3 units and rules.
More realistic incomes: Germany and USA will be relatively more stonger
Double Sea zones in English Channel: Giving Germany opportunity threataning Allies shippings with submarines and air units considering Germany will start with French factory and most sea territores will be blockade zones.
German Mediterranean: Germany will touch Adriatic.
Russian's "life of road": Lake Ladoga is connected to lake of Onega which connects to Barents sea. Russia will need naval presence on the lake to reinfore easily Leningrad. Russia will have a specific cheap naval unit for this task which transports and defends.
Siberians: Russian special unit with 2/3 stats and 3 Pus cost but can be placed on only south siberian factories and Russia starts with Mongolia.
The issue is I'am undecided about the starting date. First option is Germany-Italy starts on prior of Barbarossa and Japan prior of the attack on Pearl harbour timelines the other one is either December 1941 or May 1942.