Could we organise a tournament or two during the corona crisis?
I'd be willing to chip in 15 bucks.
Most interested in Global but I think it would be fairest to roll in like 1941 or something.
Let's see what interest exists!
(Edited in by Prastle) - I added a poll to the thread so anyone can vote on the next tournament. Please read the thread and vote if you are interested in joining thanks! Anyone interested in donating towards the prize money can donate through the donation drive link at the bottom of every page. I will attach a proposal by my good buddy @Raville about the next format.
@Ondis I have had thoughts about another v341 tourney. We could easily fire a Global tourney if we had a few gd Global judges. I will donate 50 for this tourney.
@beelee does this sound interesting?
@prastle anything helps.
@SilverBullet the true problem is we have very few global judges bro. I am not and neither are you. Thus I asked @beelee but either way I will sponsor a global tourney gd jb guys find the troops!
I really like the idea of launching another tourney. As soon as 2.0 is out for at least a few days or a week, IMO it would be good to launch a big 2.0 tourney.
Isolation Beat-down 2020
@prastle said in Could we organise a tournament or two during the corona crisis?:
@beelee does this sound interesting?
sure does. I'm not a good global player and probably won't play in it as have plenty of other stuff I'm working on. I see Elk is back and both he and @simon33 are top players. Could probably get some people from A& to play. They have a large influx as well.
@Panther extremely knowledgeable as well. Especially how triplea and the rules work. He usually seems pretty busy.
@beelee Thank you.
Yes, I would definitely volunteer as "judge" - but I need to know how the tournament is organized and what presence of a judge is expected. Easiest format for me would be PBF with Q+A via forum.
@Panther cool thanks!
Cool guys and like I said, I like global but if more people want an other map or you think it could be easier to organise like v3-1941 I¨'m more than up for that too and the offer still stands as it is.
Nice to hear 2.0 is coming out. Time for me to come out of my break then an practice
I'd be interested in participating in a tournament.
@Greg-Anderson I will try to launch a link later for everyone Good stuff guys
@prastle We could do TOC season 6 for Anniversary or start a new Tourney for Global if we get enough players. Up to you guys. -
@prastle I'm a big fan of Global, though I believe that the map would require 2-3 players on each side since it is very large.
Therefore, I believe that a Global tournament would be more team-based.
On the other hand, 1941 is smaller and can be played with only one person on each side. However, the map isn't as detailed as Global.
@Greg-Anderson said in Could we organise a tournament or two during the corona crisis?:
Therefore, I believe that a Global tournament would be more team-based.
Not really. On we have a big community playing Global (league) games, all on a 1 on 1 basis.
@Greg-Anderson said in Could we organise a tournament or two during the corona crisis?:
On the other hand, 1941 is smaller and can be played with only one person on each side.
When you say "1941" are you suggesting v3-1941 or v6?
@Panther If Global can be played by only 2 people than I am all for it.
I was mentioning v3-1941, as I feel it is better than v6. I like how v3 still has artillery and AA guns.
On the other hand, v3-1941 might be better if the games have to be played faster.
@Panther these are the current v3-41 anniversary rules for tournaments can you see any updates that would be needed and do you think they would be suitable for global as well? -
@prastle could you set up a poll for what type of Tournament people would like and a list of what kind of positions would be necessary then?
if we find enough people we could host two at once, otherwise we'll focus on the one with most votes.
Also need to know how we can pool the funds together?
Then we can start applying. Timeframe should be somewhere after the 2.0 release (?)
@Ondis Ill set up a poll np. Funds can go through the donation drive link if anyone wants to donate for prize money. Hosting 2 at once might be a draw on the players
but I am ok with that. Revised TOC is also starting just to mention. Thus it would be 3 Tourney's at once … that might be a little much. The Judging only occurs when a dispute occurs and/or id Adjucation is needed due to time rules. I would like to keep all games under 30 days. Preferably faster. Sadly PBEM never plays as fast as live. We are still discussing the rules to change. The last Toc revised has been going for a year now? because of PBEM.