For Code Raiders
This map has the following code that is worth looking at;
Buy Tech advances in the Purchase Phase, like Age of Tribes, but is ++++,
+Tech uses isSea & isAir so AI will target its Tech advances if it needs Sea or Air
+Tech advances are shown on Tech grid on Players tab
+Display grouping, Tech is prefixed with _DevL, _DevA, _DevS (Land, Air, Sea)
+Uses Foreach for easy xml maintenance, hundreds of lines of code, reduced to tens of lines
Custom Purchase Panel (see above) (see file
As the Purchase Panels are complex with lots of Tech Research & units being added & removed it has the following tabs
< All > < Land & Land-Tech > < Air & Air-Tech > < Sea & Sea-Tech > < All-Tech-Research > < Tech-Land > < Tech-Air > < Tech-Sea >
Search GO RandomField - to see how the following are placed
40 Coal-Field - generate 1 pu/turn
8 Oil-Field - generate 1 tech/turn
3 Inf-Garrison
8 Oil-Field Fixed
Politics has 5 relationships
War -> Neutral -> Accord -> Allied (note HOSTILE is skipped when suing for peace, goes from War to Neutral)
War <- HOSTILE <- Neutral <- Accord <- Allied
Uses Foreach for easier xml maintenance, thousands of lines of code, reduced to hundreds of lines
Impending Victory - When this is notified all
isAI players that are;
HOSTILE will declare War on the impending victory alliance
Neutral will be HOSTILE to the impending victory alliance
atWarPlayers function a player faction will if;
At War earn 1 Tech /turn with one or more factions
At Peace earn 10 pu /turn with
all faction so HOSTILE, Neutral, Accord, Allied (not at War)