@bret-hawkeye How's it going! No worries dude, we're all still sorta noobin' it here honestly, or at least I am hehe. Currently it's just a baseline. To make it into a functional tripleA map that we could actually edit in the game-engine we're still at the point where it needs the centers.txt and the map.properties etc.
It's a bit of challenge since basically what we're trying to do is upscale an existing map/scenario that already has an XML rather than creating an entirely new one. So taking the same Territories and Sea Zone tiles (same labels, nations etc) but where those polygons have new coordinates for a larger board. Everything else remaining the same. This is similar to the method used to make the UHD Global, where we take an existing game (the Standard Global by Bung & Veq) but using a new map for it.
Here's an example of something similar, using another larger scale map, but where the process is a bit further along. Just so you can see how it might potentially come together...
That's a port of 1941 GCD gamemap, but using the UHD Global unit files/game XML etc. It's is just a skeleton of a game, there are no starting units yet, not actual scenario per se. Bill helped me throw it together, where we just grafted the latter onto the former to get a ball rolling. That one uses the 2.6 pre-release, so you'd just drop it into downloaded maps and should fire up as normal.
Here is the same, but with a quickie xml draft created using edit mode. So basically all territories with a production a floor at 1 PU, convoys blanked out, a couple capitals assigned and whatnot, just so it will launch within tripleA and look like something vaguely familiar for a G40 vibe. Again just as a jumping off point. From there you'd go in and adjust the production values of the territories or add starting units for a set up, come up with a turn order sequence or tech and stuff like that.
In that scenario, you can imagine maybe that the start date is right after the Fall of France (instead of before like regular G40). Maybe aircraft are evacuated from the Paris tile to England tile, on the first turn of the game to represent DeGaulle? Perhaps most of Vichy goes Pro Axis neutral, while Free France has their locus of power in Central Africa or a Government in Exile in London. Whatever, just a riff for a starting point and spitball idea. Might look something like this for a 1940 date, very rough draft...
Screenshot 2024-05-12 123749.png
In order to do something similar for the older WW1 map, it's a similar process a little bit simpler, since presumably players of that scenario would want to keep the game they play more or less unchanged, just with a beefier map. So starting with an existing game xml, same tech advances or whatever, but warping it to fit into a new larger map. In the case of 1914 NML, like using all those production values or units etc. Or one could use one of the larger maps and create a variant from there, but then that's like making a whole new game right lol. Little more involved hehe.
Anyhow not sure if that helps to clarify. It was pretty bare bones for the Domination stuff, last person to tool around there was Redrum I think? I wanted to make a WW2 customizers map that had sorta all the stuff in there, perhaps also with a playable scenario for a jumping off point, so I guess the idea would be roughly like that, just more WW1 themed?
Again not sure what all is grabbin' peeps these days or how much interest there'd be for it.