First of all, great update. Lot's of new detail. But this presents a problem now with the overall size, both with map size and computer file size. I cannot save a game and then load it without getting ‘Error loading game data. Java.lang.StackOverflowError’. I wonder if you have the older version still available prior to adding Twilights Hammer, Gilneas, or KulTiras. It would be nice to save the game and less time to complete each turn.
The game crashes right at the start of the Horde's turn. One time I was able to play Horde, but I cannot duplicate it. Every combination I try with the Horde except under AI control, the game crashes. Finally, it just stopped working when I would have AI play all races except 1 or 2 human players. I have since uninstalled the game.
The game also consistently crashes after Dark Horde unit Sintharia is killed, then next Twilight Hammer turn get option to pay 50 PU for Dark Revival – Sinestra; if this is selected, crash.
It seems to crash when some late-game triggering event takes place; possibly obtaining Scourge unit Sindragosa, or Dark Horde unit Deathwing (I have not duplicated the crash with these particular units as it takes so long and I haven’t spent the time to confirm these particular units are causing the crash). I think the longest I’ve played is 16 hours. Also a problem if I have too many air battles and I can’t scroll down list to resolve them first.
Here is a list of other things I've observed so far:
Duskhaven can produce 3 units with only the existing Farm.
Tower of Arathor can produce 4 units with only the existing Tower.
Ruins of Alterac, Ruins of Silvermoon and Light’s Hope Chapel only produces 3 units when they give 6PU.
Revantusk Village is linked to Hinterland High Road, not Shaol’watha where cave marker is.
Missing cave markers on list of locations from Flame Crest on down.
Flame crest on list says it links with itself.
Add Blackwing Descent to Blackrock Path on link list.
Add The Molten Span to Sea of Cinders on link list.
Adjacent Locations Slither Rock and Camp Boff do not connect.
Adjacent Locations Mok’Doom and Hall of Blackhand do not connect. Stuck units.
Adjacent Locations Throne of Kil’Jaeden and Forge Camp Mageddon do not connect. same.
Adjacent river locations Nazferiti River and Lake Nazferiti do not connect.
Dimensional Portal units cannot fly into mountain territories or Throne of Kil’Jaeden. Also cannot fly and stop in sea territories while carrying air transport troops (by design I'm sure).
Caer Darrow location does not show territory name when mouse pointer is over it; appears not to be accessible. Cannot move land units from adjacent land territory to Caer Darrow, but land units in Caer Darrow can move out. Caer Darrow is only accessible by sea. Cannot build there.
Twilight Camp location does not show territory name when mouse pointer is over it; appears not to be accessible. Cannot move land units from adjacent land territories to Twilight Camp, but land units in Twilight Camp can move out. Twilight Camp is only accessible by sea. Cannot build there.
Burning Legion cannot get out of Tol Barad. Moved a dimensional portal unit there; next turn loaded portal and tried to move to Rustberg Village (pirate) or Duskhaven (unoccupied neutral), but cannot land. Requires conquered territory to move to during noncombat. Burning Legion cannot control Eye of Dalaran unless another race moves in to attack.
Only Burning Legion Nathrezim units can access Caer Darrow to gain control of Book of Medivh in order to obtain Archimonde the Defiler and complete 4th condition of the Third Invasion. Dimensional Portal cannot access Caer Darrow nor units in Chillwind Point. Impossible with so many skeletons there. Need to move Book of Medivh or not start with Death Knight and Necromancers there generating skeletons each turn.
Burning Legion Third Invasion trigger 1 also met if artifact Book of Medivh is controlled.
Burning Legion Drain the Great Trees trigger; owned territory Tainted Forest and selected prompt to remove the tree. Tree was removed, but Archimonde did not gain 2 movement. He was not in territory. Tried also with him in territory and still no stat increase. Nothing works.
Fix working on Draining the Great Tree prompts:
Missing unit Deathwing the Betrayer for Dark Horde.
No image for Burning Legion unit Archimonde the Defiler.
No image for Burning Legion unit Kil’Jaeden the Deciever.
No image for Burning Legion unit Man’Ari.
No image for Burning Legion unit skeleton.
No image for Araj the Summoner for Scourge in Andorhal (triggers when Felstone Field is captured; other triggers, not sure which locations).
No image for Koltira Deathweaver for Forsaken when they capture Andorhal.
No image for Executor for Forsaken (triggers when Refuge Pointe is captured)
No image for captured dimensional portals
Dark Iron Clan capture of territory with a neutral tower does not convert to Flame Cannon Tower
Twilights Hammer missing marker for control of dungeon location.
Burning Legion unit Annihilan is a mounted unit but only has movement 1.
Dark Horde unit Chromaggus is a mounted unit but only has movement 1.
Scarlet Crusade unit Alexandros Mograine the Ashbringer is a Heavy Infantry unit, but Scourge unit of him is a Mounted unit, though he only has movement 1.
Twilights Hammer unit Naga is a mounted unit but terrain treats as an air unit.
Twilights Hammer unit Forgotten One checks for unit placement before combat & end of turn (2/turn).
Burning Legion unit Man’Ari creates Dimensional Portal unit after combat & end of turn (2/turn).
Burning Legion unit Teron Gorefiend creates 2 skeletons before combat & end of turn (4/turn).
Add text to Burning Legion action GUI; 1st choice summoned to Forge Camp Anger, 2nd choice summoned to Forge Camp Mageddon, 3rd choice summoned to Forge Camp Rage, 4th choice summoned to Forge Camp Terror, 5th choice summoned to Forge camp Wrath. Also should say Doomwalker not Kil’Jaeden
Add wording to Burning Legion unit Dimensional Portal ‘can only be placed where a Shadow Council Warlock is present. Cannot be placed where a Dark Portal, Demon Gate, or other Dimensional Portal is present. Demi-hero caster units cannot place Dimensional Portals’.
Add wording to Burning Legion Notes 4th condition met: ‘Additional 3 heavy units and 1 dimensional portal will be added to units purchased at beginning of purchase phase’.
Change wording of Burning Legion unit Annihilan to ‘Fel Orc Units can be produced at locations with a production facility and an Annihilan unit’.
Scourge units Naxxramas and Acherus the Ebon Hold cannot produce units. Change wording on units.
Twilight Hammer unit Uu’Nat has notation as a water unit but cannot move on water. Can load on boats.
Aspect Shards are not removed when the Demon Soul is created.
Burning Legion Dalvengyr & Kathra’Natir cannot summon Infernals despite being demi-hero Nathrezim.
Dark Iron Clan never gains control of Fire Elementals when Ragnaros the Firelord is summoned.
Dark Iron Clan slave units say they can be captured, but they are destroyed instead.
Turn after Burning Legion unit Kil’Jaeden the Deceiver is summoned, unknown trigger of message:
Though he is still present at the Sunwell ready to move.
Same for Archimonde the Defiler:
Dark Iron Clan slaves should also be placeable at Lumber Mills.
Change wording on Dark Iron Clan summoning the firelord Method 1 to match program function: ‘…Ragnaros will be summoned at their location and Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan and 1 sorcerer will die’.
Burning Legion unit Dimensional Portal should have carry capacity 4.
Identify conditions that trigger units to appear or become available:
Number of God units needed to trigger the Hour of Twilight event for Twilights Hammer (turn after 6th is in play, or after 7th is purchased if Illidan Stormrage counts. Only works for the first summon. Next God unit did not bring 2nd prompt for Hour of Twilight trigger. I think it is 7/9/11/13?).
Twilights Hammer unit Aeonus (will appear at Shattershore if you control this territory).
Twilights Hammer unit Epoch Hunter (will appear at Tarren Mill if you control this territory).
Twilights Hammer unit Chrono-Lord Epoch (will appear at Stratholme Harbour if you control this territory).
Twilights Hammer unit Twilight Prophet Benedictus
Twilights Hammer unit Twilight Deacon Farthing
Twilights Hammer unit Deathwing the Worldbreaker
Dark Iron Clan unit Moira Thaurissan (will appear in units to be produced on turn 7)
Forsaken unit Galen-Trollbane (if Galen-Trollbane is slain and Forsaken gain control of Stromgarde City, he appears here)
Forsaken unit Varimathras (if Varimathras is slain, next turn he appears in the Undercity).
Forsaken unit High Inquisitor Fairbanks (if Fairbanks is slain and Forsaken gain control of Scarlet Monastery, he appears here)
Forsaken unit Helcular (appears in Southshore end of turn Forsaken control it)
Forsaken unit Gunther Arcanus
Forsaken unit Calia Menethil
Forsaken unit Dark Ranger
Blood Elves unit Teron Gorefiend
Dalaran unit Dalaran City
Dalaran unit Alexstrasza the Lifebinder
Magtheridon gains 1hp (? After Burning Legion gain control of Honor Hold)
Only races that can benefit from controlling the Demon Soul should have the option to remove Aspect Shards to create it.
Only races that control 5+ Ata-Mal Crystals should have the option to add Naaru A-Dal to purchase. Currently, any player can spend 50 PU and get this God unit.
Twilight Hammer units Sea Witch Naga, Queen Azshara, Viq’Goth and Ozumat should have 2 movement.
Setup should have a default if human player is not selected. Same with Burning Legion placement of Highlord Kruul with 3 Infernals.
Scourge units should have regular cost. Scourge have a steep advantage with skeleton auto-production and adding no-cost units after combat and trigger event units having no cost.
Scourge death knight units should not produce skeletons. Scourge lich units should produce 1 skeleton.
Scourge need a capacity limit on number of skeletons in play; twice or three times the number of casters
I've probably played this updated version a dozen times now. It seems to run slower each time until it finally just got stuck with 1st race Blood Elves being AI and nothing happens (waited 20 minutes) or if all races are Human player it crashes at the start of the Horde 1st turn. I uninstalled TripleA, deleted all related folders, and cleaned up my computer. I'll probably try again simply because this really is the most comprehensive game on the engine and there are more variables than any other game. Every other game gets predictable after playing each side a few times, but this has so much more to explore and try that despite the frustration of it being so big and running into problems, it's worth it to explore this fabulous creation. I know it takes a few months to reply, but know that this labor of love of yours is greatly appreciated. I look forward to the next major installment!