@All @lafayette @Cernel @RogerCooper
Hopefully Last call
Tags will look like this, some with a prefix of 3 characters, to force the order to be displayed on the download screen.
where =and after is just a guide
***** =Best/Showcase maps (maybe one from each of the eras/genres below, so could be 5-12 maps)
**** =Excellent
*** =Good
** =Experimental
* =Abandoned or unplayable (could be archived in the future)
10-Ancient-Medieval =(pre 1450)
20-Early Modern =(1451-1764)
30-Revolutionary =(1765-1869)
40-WW1 =(1870-1930)
50-WW2-Global =(1931-1945)
52-WW2-Europe =(1931-1945)
54-WW2-Pacific =(1931-1945)
56-WW2-Alternate =(1931-1945) WW2 theme that does not fit into the other 3 WW2
60-Nuclear =(1946-2100) includes near future
70-Future =(2100+) Star Trek, Star Wars, Sci-Fi
80-Fantasy = theme Magic, Mythical Creatures like Dragons
90-Abstract-Alternate = a catch all that does not fit the above list, like Steampunk, War of the Relics
Tag tabs will look like this on screen, ideally with the prefix removed
***** **** *** ** * Ancient-Medieval Early Modern Revolutionary WW1 WW2-Global WW2-Europe WW2-Pacific WW2-Alternate Nuclear Future Fantasy Abstract
@LaFayette I have a Lobby sign in TheDog, so when your ready I will start experimenting/entering the tags.