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Recent Posts

  • @elf-491
    Welcome to the forums.

    If you are using TripleA 2.6+ I think you are missing map.yml look at other map.yml files to work out the syntax.

    If you want others to play test your game host on Google Drive or similar for now, its far easier to update.

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  • This is probably a fairly basic question, but I'm fairly new to mapmaking. I have a custom map I've been working on. It definitely isn't finished yet, so I don't want to upload it all to Github and get it approved or whatever. But it is done enough (I believe) that I want to load it up in the client and take it for a spin, mostly to check that everything I have so far works and to test some different strategies for balance. I have the files in what I believe is the proper order in my downloadedMaps folder, but when I start the game, it doesn't appear in the map list. What do I need to do to test it just from my local files?

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  • B


    Right arm

    I think the Notes were good where they were.

    Just a blank space there now ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • I agree. To me it would make more sense under the "Game" tab than "Help"

    "Game Notes" I'd think would maybe come right before Game Options > in that dropdown.

    "Unit Help" seems like it should read "Unit Details" or something along those lines and also be in the game tab.

    Although several pop-up screens in the Game tab have a click confirmation "OK" that locks up the UI and gives the ding sound until the window is closed. The politics panel for example in G40. I had issues in 2.7148 with the Battle Calc not launching from the tab, but only if clicking control B on a tile. After the first attempt the font would change to black, and kick off a null exception.

    For the actual Game Notes I would suggest using actual text for the text portions, and smaller images in line with that text, rather than both text and images as a single image. The reason is because within the UI screen tripleA will scale text properly, but images not so much. Upscaling the display font in Windows to 125% or 150% for displays at 1440p or larger will show heaving interpolation, for actual images it's not so bad, but text becomes nearly illegible. In my view it is more important the text read cleanly. If images show pixelation from upscaling it's whatever, but when that happens to text it looks super jank like someone took an eraser to the individual characters, or the kerning will look off where some letters may confuse for others etc. It also means that players can't copy the text portions to a clip board, like if they want to cite or quickly copy over a table or whatever.

    A single image with everything is convenient in that map the maker has more control over how things are arranged, or for illuminated details, but the downside is that it only works when the display size for Font is consistent, say 100% at 1080p. I mean in Windows, not the Font size/color within the tripleA settings. At 1600p Font size 150% most game notes that are a single image will look quite fuzzy for the text blocks.

    Here are some Screens to compare... note the text in the Tutorial game compared to the text in the example images below them. Then a screen GCD (text as image) compared to Iron War (images in line with text). You can see how the interpolation has it going fuzzy at 1600p as an image, whereas text will scale cleanly.

    Screenshot 2025-01-26 003828.png

    Screenshot 2025-01-26 003958.png

    Screenshot 2025-01-26 003639.png

    In the last, even though the images are upscaling poorly, the overall effect is less pronounced there, because the text is still displaying smoothly.

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